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What a year – and what a line-up!

2024 stud book registration


Stammbuchaufnahme 2024
Winner ELODIE AT BZ30659 with owner Thomas Alfreider from Corvara (from left), Haflinger Embassador Andrea Aster, Hans and Simon Lunger from Collepietra/Steinegg with runner-up EULE HL BZ30639, 3rd place ELEKTRA BZ30849 with owner Andreas Pichler from Nova Ponente/Deutschnofen, 4th place E-BELLI-PB BZ30752 with owner Tobias Zöggeler from Fiè allo Sciliar/Völs am Schlern and 5th place ELENA BZ30675 with owner Michael Warger from Nauders (A)

Stammbuchaufnahme 2024

Noriker winning mare FELINA 040012830039221 with owner Stefan Zingerle from San Martino in Badia/St. Martin in Thurn (from right), Noriker representative Edith Obexer and the president of the Provincial Federation of South Tyrol Haflinger Horse Breeders Manfred Canins

49 out of 145 mares registered for and presented at the 2024 Stud Book Registration in Egna/Neumarkt have made it to the final round. And it was a sight to behold: Beautifully groomed young mares as far as the eye could see – expertly presented by their handlers clad in traditional costumes, many of the men wearing the typical blue farmer’s apron.
In spite of a long line-up of high-quality horses in the final round, the proceedings remained smooth and orderly throughout – all thanks to Federation Director Michael Gruber, who led through the event with confidence and competence: “This is a vital day for all breeders, who will naturally have great expectations – perhaps as great as the responsibility that the Haflinger experts have today.” In light of the many contestants lined up in the arena, he asked the audience to hold their applause until the end – a smart decision which significantly contributed to the smooth flow of the hour and a half that it took for all the young mares to be briefly introduced and presented.
Before the detailed show commentary and the awards ceremony crowing the winners of the 2021 generation, however, two additional awards were handed out:
The South Tyrol Young Haflinger and Noriker Breeders’ Association voted Leonie Unterholzner, Julian, Breitenberger and Jonas Breitenberger this year’s Best Handlers, and the Federation selected the young mares with the most beautiful head, the most typical characteristics and the best movements, respectively.
141 Edle BZ30980, bred by Alexander Kapaurer, owner: Hermann Senn from Renon/Ritten
107 Elodie AT BZ30659, bred and owned by Thomas Alfreider from Corvara
61 Hannah 040003824360621, bred by the Hochfilzer family (A) and owned by Andreas Pichler from Nova Ponente/Deutschnofen
Elodie AT, owned by Thomas Alfreider from Corvara, was declared the new mare of the year – after being rated Very Good in the category Type and Nobility for her tall frame and generous ground coverage as well as abundant elegance and charm. She also scored Very Good in the category Harmony thanks to her beautiful proportions and well-connected details, beautiful neck, pronounced withers, long shoulder and tight top-line. The ranking Good was awarded for her foundations and leg positioning, Very Good for her walk, which is regular and has plenty of scope, and Good for her trot.
The runner-up was Hans Lunger’s Eule HL (from Cornedo/Karneid), who is in no way inferior to the winner in terms of typical characteristics and harmony and was ranked Very Good for her Type and Nobility, Very Good in the category Harmony, Very Good for her foundations and leg positioning, and Good with respect to both walk and trot. In short, a beautifully developed mare that covers much ground and is very harmonious as well as muscular, with plenty of expression, finesse and elegance.
A resoundingly successfully debut for newly elected Chairman Manfred Canins, who praised the crucially important cooperation of all those involved in front of and behind the scenes – especially with a view to the upcoming Haflinger Festival, which takes place from 31 May to 2 June in Sluderno/Schluderns alongside the large-scale Haflinger County Show. And of course, the newly crowned most beautiful young mares born in 2021 will also be there!


Results: Haflinger / Noriker



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