The Provincial Federation of South Tyrol Haflinger Horse Breeders

The breeding organisation in the Haflingers' region of origin

The Provincial Federation of South Tyrol Haflinger Horse Breeders is the successor of the first officially recognised breeders' cooperative, which after its foundation in 1904 established and maintained the first stud book of the breed.

Today, the Federation represents the interests of breeders in the Haflingers' region of origin. Being the breeding organisation with the largest population of horses, it is a key bench mark in the international breeders' community.

Committed to tradition – and to the future: In its work, the Federation aims to preserve and promote the breed in South Tyrol with a focus on its genotypic and phenotypic diversity.

Careful breeding efforts are put in place to safeguard and boost the horses' health, robustness, fertility and longevity. In doing so, the work is practice-orientated and based on scientific expertise: Great importance is attached to the characteristics and distinctive features of the breed in order to ensure the selection and rearing of horses with an excellent character that can perform at the very highest level.

To achieve that, it is crucial to bring together breeding and equestrian sport. The Federation links and promotes both areas intensively: All breeding and selection is based on each horse's breeding value evaluation as well as data and figures concerning its performance and information on its pedigree and lineage.

The Provincial Federation of South Tyrol Haflinger Horse Breeders currently provides its services and assistance to some 800 members who own approximately 3,500 horses used for breeding (2019). Among its members are the South Tyrol Haflinger Sports Association and the South Tyrol Young Haflinger and Noriker Breeders' Association. The Federation has also taken South Tyrolean Noriker breeders under its wing.


Administrative board

Chairman: Erich Messner
Vice-Chairman: Richard Gamper
Board members: Thomas Alfreider, Josef De Zordo, Peter Gruber, Georg Höller, Albert Hutter, Tobias Marth, Katja Müller, Edith Obexer (Noriker breeders' representative), Christian Plattner, Wolfgang Wendlinger, Christoph Zöggeler (Representative of the South Tyrol Haflinger Sports Association), Peter Zöggeler, Tobias Zöggeler (Representative of the South Tyrol Young Haflinger and Noriker Breeders' Association)


Executive Committee



Breeding Advisory Council

Thomas Alfreider, Dr. Alessandro Botte, Peter Braun, Helmuth Breitenberger, Erwin Delueg, Josef De Zordo, Richard Gamper, Georg Höller, Tobias Marth, Erich Messner, Alexander Mittelberger, Katja Müller, Georg Oberkofler, Richard Raffl, Josef Reiterer, Helmuth Senn, Peter Zöggeler


Sports Advisory Council

Kathrin Erschbamer, Richard Gamper, Johann Hafner, Priska Kelderer, Christine Kofler, Lisa Lemayr, Roland Morat, Claudia Pircher, Christoph Zöggeler, Tobias Zöggeler


Marketing Advisory Council

Andrea Aster, Richard Gamper, Georg Höller, Norbert Köck, Jonas Oberhammer, Edith Obexer, Alexander Rier


Noriker Advisory Council

Lukas Gröber, Klaus Lanziner, Erich Messner, Enrico Nagler, Edith Obexer, Edmund Zitturi

News and events


2025 Calendar
All Haflinger and Noriker Events

2025 Italian National Selection of Haflinger Colts

28th Italian National Selection of Haflinger Colts
All results

2025 San Genesio/Jenesien sleigh races

Traditional sleigh races and skijöring in San Genesio/Jenesien
Results and raffle's lucky tickets

Schlitten Sarntal 2025

70 years of Haflinger sleigh races in Val Sarentino/Sarntal valley
Results and raffle's lucky tickets

Haflinger Zuchtverein Mölten

Sleigh races and skijöring in Meltina/Mölten
Results and raffle's lucky tickets

Haflinger Info

Out now: Haflinger Info!
Topics and reading samples

24. Leonardiritt

Over 150 horses at the St. Leonard's Ride in the village of Badia
120th anniversary of the Marebbe/Enneberg Horse Breeders' Association

Fieracavalli 2024

South Tyrolean Haflingers: always a fan-favourite
A whole new presentation format: the Federation at Verona Fieracavalli
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